Sunday, April 7, 2013

Regain your health and take control of your life

Please take the time to read this, it is amazing! This is the program I have been following to stay cancer free. Dr. McDougall is awesome and has shared his program here for free. He is not about making money,  he really wants people to be healthy and he has proven that by posting his program for everyone to follow. If you want to prevent disease or have a loved one battling a disease, you should really read his Free Program. He lists all the foods you should eat, the foods you should avoid and even better, there are recipes you for each day of his program.
This instructional material offers you a real opportunity for rediscovering your health and appearance. However, diet is powerful medicine. Do not change your diet or start an intense exercise program if you are seriously ill or on medication unless you are under the care of a physician knowledgeable in nutrition and its effects on health. Do not change medications without professional advice. When appropriate, share this message with your doctor.
The McDougall Program uses a pure-vegetarian diet based around starchy vegetables with the addition of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. If you follow the diet strictly for more than three years, or if you are pregnant or nursing, then take a minimum of 5 micrograms (mcg) of supplemental vitamin B12 each day.
Even though this instructional material is quite complete for changing your life, there is much more information to be found here on the McDougall web site in the McDougall books. Altogether with the web site and books you have over 2200 recipes to choose from. One of the most helpful and inexpensive experiences you can have is to view one of the sets of the McDougall DVDs. However, those of you desiring serious change in your health and medical care should consider becoming involved in one of the many programs at the McDougall Health Center. The 10-day live-in McDougall Program is where you become a patient of Dr. McDougall's. This is the controlled and comfortable environment where you will progress rapidly to become medication-free, feeling great, trim, active, and in excellent health
  You can regain your health and take control of your life. All the good things that you associate with health – enhanced appearance, optimal weight, great vitality, restoration of normal function, positive moods, and a deep feeling of well-being – can be yours. And you can accomplish these wondrous goals using the simplest method imaginable – eating the wholesome, fresh foods that our Creator intended.
The McDougall Program consists of the following:

  • A diet of plant foods, including whole grains and whole grain products (such as pasta, tortillas, and whole-grain bread), a wide assortment of vegetables, and fruit
  • Plenty of spices and usually small amounts of sugar and salt to enhance the flavor of food
  • Exercise as simple as a daily walk
  • The exclusion of animal foods, including red meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, and fish – all of which provide toxic levels of fat, cholesterol, protein and, very often, infectious agents and harmful chemicals
  • The exclusion of ALL oils, including olive oil, safflower oil and corn oil. Oils, which are nothing more than liquid fat, increase body fat stores (obesity), depress immune function, and contribute to most common chronic diseases
By making these profound changes, you will experience an almost immediate improvement in your health. And, while I know it sounds difficult at first, taken step by step and over the course of just 12 days, it will become a way of life that is so natural and so simple, you won't believe how easy it is.

Please go to this Link to follow his program;

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